Join Melton Borough Market as a trader

We want you! Whether you're an experienced market trader or new to business, we're here to give you the best possible experience as a stallholder at Melton Borough Market. The Market Place in Melton Mowbray is in the centre of town, easily accessible by road and rail, with plentiful local parking, making Melton Borough Market a great way to meet new customers.

If you'd like to book a stall at Melton Borough Market, please complete the form below.

Applicant details

This is a required field - enter your business name
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Enter your business address
You must select at least one date
Required field - enter your first name
Required field - enter your email address
Please select an option
Required field - enter your last name
Required field - enter your phone number
Please select an option

Stall requirements

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Required field - you can not apply for a stall if you do not agree to pay the required fees

Contact person on the day

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Required field
Required field

Contact person for invoicing

Required field
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Public Liability and certification

Please provide the following documents:

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Marketing information

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