The Melton Borough Market will take place on the third Friday of each month (market day) at Market Place, Melton Mowbray from 9.00am to 3.00pm.

2024 Dates

Friday 20th September
Friday 18th October
Friday 15th November

2025 Dates

The Melton Borough Market dates will resume on the third Friday of each month from February onwards.

1. Standard spaces for this market outdoor 3m x 3m gazebo space @ £30 per market and you can hire a table for £5 for the day.

2. Power – There is limited power available within Market Place. A location near to a power supply will be provided at the time of booking on a first come first served basis. Power an additional costs £5.00 per day. 

3. Applications will be considered as accepted when an invoice is issued for market day. The total amount will be payable 14 days prior to market day. Failure to make payment within the required timeframe may result in your application being withdrawn.

4. Only stallholders that have completed an application form, received confirmation from The Melton Mowbray Town Estate (Melton Mowbray Town Estate) and paid in full will be allowed to attend the event. The Melton Mowbray Town Estate will aim to respond to applications within 7 days of receipt.

5. The Melton Mowbray Town Estate will decide on the location of each stall.

6. Stallholders will need to bring their own table / chairs / stand equipment unless otherwise requested on the application form.

7. Access to the stall will be from 7.30am on market day. Stallholders must set up their stand by 08.45 am; stalls can be taken down at 2.30pm. The correct storage and removal of fresh produce and valuable items will be the responsibility of the stallholder. The Melton Mowbray Town Estate will not be liable for damage or loss of any equipment, produce or materials owned by the stallholder.

8. Stallholders are expected to staff their stall at all times throughout the duration of the market.

9. The Melton Mowbray Town Estate carefully selects stallholders to ensure that visitors have an extensive range of stalls to visit. Stallholders will only be permitted to carry out the activity / sell the produce highlighted on the application form.

10. The Melton Mowbray Town Estate reserves the right to cancel the event due to unforeseen circumstances. Stallholders will be refunded the pitch fee and any table hire fee in this instance.

11. All stallholders must comply with current Trading Standards and Environmental Health requirements

12. Stallholders must maintain their own Employee, Public (£5 million) and Product Liability Insurance. A copy of your insurance must be submitted with your registration application. Copies of your insurances must be available for inspection at the market.

13. The Melton Mowbray Town Estate maintains the right to exclude a stallholder who has i) breached these terms and conditions ii) falsified their registration application and/or verification information iii) whose actions are not in the best interests of The Melton Mowbray Town Estate or whose behavior is aggressive or deemed by the organisers as unacceptable.

14. The Melton Mowbray Town Estate will provide to the Stallholder space for their market stall, communications regarding market operations, advertising and marketing for the market and market day management.

15. All communications will be sent via email and it is the responsibility of the stallholder to read and respond in a timely manner.

16. In the event of a dispute regarding any aspect of the market, the market manager on behalf of The Melton Mowbray Town Estate may make a decision. Any failure to abide by the market manager’s decision may be sufficient grounds for excluding the stallholder from the market. The Melton Mowbray Town Estate’s decision is final. All stallholders wanting to sell at The Melton Mowbray Town Estate’s markets will submit a completed Application Form with a signed statement that they have read understand and agree to abide by these rules (which may be updated from time to time).

17. If you are unable to attend you are required to give at least 14 day’s notice. Failure to provide such notice may result in non-refund of fees paid.

18. The Melton Mowbray Town Estate realise that there are occasions when stallholders may not be able to comply i.e. illness, vehicle breakdown etc. Should this be the case stallholders should notify the The Melton Mowbray Town Estate as soon as practicable either by telephone or text message, stating reasons for non-attendance. Consideration will be given for refund of fees paid based on individual cases and is not guaranteed.

19. Whilst making every attempt to place stallholders in a similar position at each regular market this may not always be possible and The Melton Mowbray Town Estate reserve the right to alter the allocation of pitches and the stall layout from time to time.

20. As a safety precaution, vehicles will not be permitted onto the site between the operating hours unless making sales from vehicles by agreement with The Melton Mowbray Town Estate. All stallholders must arrive at least 30mins before the market start time and be ready to trade when the market starts.

21. Stallholders selling alcohol are required to arrange their own licences as necessary.

22. Smoking by stallholders and staff is strictly prohibited within the boundaries of the market/event area.

23. Stallholders must be courteous at all times.

24. The Melton Mowbray Town Estate operates a zero tolerance policy to aggression. Any person acting aggressively to those at the market will be asked to leave and the police may be called if appropriate.

25. Stalls must be clean, attractively presented and safe. Produce should be kept clean and tidy and packaging should be kept to a minimum. Stallholders must remove all refuse from the market at the end of the day and ensure their pitch is left as they found it. Each stallholder has the responsibility to reinstate their pitch or any equipment hired to them by The Melton Mowbray Town Estate to the satisfaction of MELTON MOWBRAY TOWN ESTATE otherwise The Melton Mowbray Town Estate reserves the right to have the work undertaken and charged to the Stallholder.

26. Stallholders must ensure that all equipment used at the market is safe, well maintained, safely operated and fit for purpose with all necessary test certificates (PAT & Gas Safe) available on request.

27. All stallholders must prominently display the name of the business operating the stall and a price list/price labels for all products. Any stallholders selling food items must display a valid Food Hygiene Certificate.

28. Unloading – Vehicles can load unload within Market Place during set up and take down. No vehicle access is permitted in Market Place during trading hours (9.00am – 2.30pm)

28a. Parking - Once traders have unload their vehicles, may be parked in Play Close Car Park free of charge. A map showing the parking location will be sent at the time of booking. 

29. The Melton Mowbray Town Estate shall be under no liability in any way for any expenditure, liability, damage or loss sustained or incurred by Stallholders because of delay or failure to perform any of its obligations if the delay or failure results from circumstances beyond its reasonable control.


Please complete and submit the online application form and then email a copy of Public Liability Insurance to


Thank you


Melton Mowbray Town Estate Management Team